Planet Earth

Climate-Friendly Water Heating

A San Mateo County Guide

About this guide

This guide was created and is managed by Gerard Manning, a Burlingame resident who saw how amazing heat pumps were for stopping climate change, yet how complicated to find local, accurate information to help local people to install them. This guide was created with guidance, expertise and help from a lot of other people.

Who made it? Who endorses it?

The guide was conceived and largely written by Gerard Manning, with input, support, review from members of several local organizations, and climate experts including Kathleen Goforth, Tom Kabat, Margo Meiman, volunteers with Fossil Free Buildings - SV, 350 Bay Area and Climate Reality, and staff members from Peninsula Clean Energy, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, BayREN, and more.

Organizations that support and endorse this guide include Sustainable San Mateo County, Climate-Fixes.OrgCRBA San Mateo County Policy Action Squad, Burlingame Citizen's Environmental Council.

How can I get in touch?

Use this webform.


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